Earning per own click: $0.01 standard / $0.01 golden member
Earning per referral click: $0.005 Standard / $0.01 Golden member
Minimum Payout: $2.00
Payment Processing: All payments are INSTANT !
Standard Membership
Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.015 (extended view)
Per referral click: $0.005 (standard view) · $0.010 (extended view)
Golden Membership
Per click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view)
Per referral click: $0.010 (standard view) · $0.020 (extended view)
These are just a few of the stats. I will go into further detail, so read on.
Each standard view on this website is 30 seconds, and each extended view is 45-60 seconds (I don’t really know since it’s not a countdown but a progress bar…)
In order to upgrade to Premium, membership costs $90, I believe you can pay via AlertPay or PayPal. So far, I’ve been paid by NeoBux $5 in total, $2 the first time, $3 the second time. You can see the payments in the Payments section.
For suggestions, the NeoBux administrator (admin) is awesome. He listens to people and is active in their built-in forums (also the first.) He implements unique features and this site is now progressing well, I recommend you invest to earn more quickly, as it is trustworthy.
They pay to PayPal and to AlertPay, when you reach $2, then $3, continue until $10 where it stops. All payments are instant.